The Vaccination Lottery is almost here! Will YOU win the $5,000 top prize??
The SGU Covid-19 Vaccination Lottery drawing will be held on Monday, Feb 14 around midday and streamed on SGU's facebook page. THERE'S STILL TIME! If you have not sent your updated vaccination card in yet (OR are not sure if your's was received) please send a picture of both sides of your vax card to Deane at [email protected] ASAP. Only vaccination cards received before Friday, Feb 11 at 5pm will be included in the drawing. Must be a currently enrolled student with proof of up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination to be eligible. GOOD LUCK! SGU Administration Jeffrey Buffkin’s classes are cancelled for the remainder of the week due to unforeseen circumstances. ATTENTION STUDENTS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS:
Due to the rise in Covid-19 cases in the community and on campus, SGU will be closing the Mission campus facilities for one week (Friday, Jan 28 - Sunday, Feb 6). ALL CLASSES ONLINE WEEK OF JAN 31: Classes will continue uninterrupted online via Google Classroom. Please check your SGU email for updates from your instructors. NEED HELP FROM SOMEONE ON CAMPUS? From Fri, Jan 28 - Sun, Feb 3, the phones will be operating from 8am to 5pm. A majority of staff and faculty will be working from home. If you need help, please our SGU email addresses and we will return your email as soon as possible. STUDENT SUPPORT: + Bookstore: The SGU bookstore will remain open to students who have appointments for curbside pickup throughout next week. They will call Bobbie at 856-8221 to set up additional appointments. + Laptops: One person from MIS will be present during the day to hand off laptops to students with appointments. Appointments can be made through a tech request here: + SGU Email Help: You can get help with your SGU email or your JICS account by filling out a tech request here: + JICS and Google Classroom: Employees working on JICS and Google Classroom will be available through email + Add/Drop Period: Has been extended through Feb 11. To drop, email the registrar at [email protected]. To add a class, contact your advisor through email. Stay safe, SGu Admin If you would like to request rides from SGU's transportation service for an on-campus class, you need to call 856-8278 and leave a message telling us the date and time of your class, your address, and a contact number by 2pm the day before. This will allow our drivers to make a daily schedule and pick you up on time.
Thank you! SGU Transportation |
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