A student majoring in business is offered a solid foundation of business education, tools and skills that enhance the individual and the organization. Graduates of the 2-year (Associate Degree) will discover a highly marketable curriculum focusing on the fundamentals of Business and Accounting, Communications both in writing and in verbal form, Economics and Personal Health, Lakota Language/Culture and Technology applications. Graduates of the 4-year (Bachelor Degree) may expect a rigorous curriculum in Accounting, Human Resource and Conflict Management, Business Law and Legal Studies; Ethics, Marketing and Management Theory. Students choose between three (3) minors: Accounting or Legal Studies or Tribal Management. Tribal Management minors will enhance their understanding Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting, Doing Business in Indian Country and Contracts and Community Development. Accounting minors will gain a deeper understanding of Payroll Accounting, Finance and advanced Accounting Principles. Legal Studies minor will increase leadership capacity for future tribal government and business leaders and those interested in developing the improvement of justice in Indian country; benefit students seeking career opportunities in the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Court system, including careers as tribal court lay advocates, prosecutors, public defenders, and court staff; help prepare an aspiring tribal court practitioner to take and pass the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Court bar examination (referred to as the Sicangu Oyate Bar Association Bar Exam or SOBA Bar Exam); provide an introduction to legal coursework, concepts, and thought for those interested in attending law school; and will serve the public by providing more qualified and effective government and business leaders and tribal court practitioners. Alumni of our programs find meaningful work in various business environments, pursue advance degrees and become contributing members to their communities.