Ituŋkásaŋ Wašte
Zuya Í - - - - Uŋh́čeǵila kiŋ Hé ihaŋke el wičoti. Yuŋkaŋ uŋgna Tašuŋke Wítko e na Wáyah́táka kiči hí na zúyáye amáṕepi ča: Miyeš: Hóye, Na oŋwéya na háŋpa ko waŋna blúha. Na waŋna uŋyáŋpi. Wičaša wikčemŋa tób ake núm uŋyáŋpi na wakpála waŋ el eyúŋka. Yuŋkaŋ wičaša waŋ léya: Wičaša wanji: Letáŋhaŋ nuŋpa uŋkíyuŋkapi hehaŋl walówaŋ kte lo. Na waŋna nuŋpa eyúŋka. Yuŋkaŋ h́tayétu ehaŋl wičaša ḱ’oŋ waŋna lówaŋ kta ča kah́yápayalake s’e oímníčiye. Na waŋna lówaŋ na čiyótaŋka waŋ yajo na: Hehéh́e, waŋji yákúpi šni yelo, tób taníopi na tóka šakpe páha iwíčayačupi na Tašuŋke kó awíčáyakúpelo. Hó waŋna ayá na Šušuŋi típi kiŋ ihuŋnípi. Na waŋna tawápi kiŋ okíšeya wičakípi. Na waŋna aŋpo heháŋl waŋna nátaŋ ahí na líla ob ečoŋpi. Na waŋna waŋji ahíktépi. Na waŋna tób wičápi. Na tóka kiŋ šakpe ewíčaktepi na páha iwíčačupi. Na waŋna ahi awičayuštaŋpi na akíyágla. Čaŋke waŋna ukíya na H́e Ská iháŋke kiŋ hél ógna uŋgliyáčupi na hečiŋškáyapi h́e kiŋ ógna uŋkúpi na el uŋglíhuŋnípi na le wičaša wikčemŋa áke záptaŋ heyátaŋhaŋ uŋglíyúŋkápi na uŋma k’oŋ héna kúta aglíyúŋka. Yuŋkaŋ líla Wakíŋyaŋ ukíya na líla lel wiyóhiŋyáŋpataŋhaŋ s’e lel kuwápaya líla táku aútapi na nakuŋ oṕaṕa šni kóya líla uŋkúwapi. Na waŋna hiŋháŋna na héhaŋl akíyágla. Na waŋna ukíyiŋ kta tka wičaša waŋ éyapáha na: Wičaša num: Le táku waŋ aútapi k’oŋ hé oyálepi kta ške lo. Na waŋna kaábeya óle ukíya. Yuŋkaŋ kál waŋna panpánpi na el náuŋk áya a miš el owáṕa. Yuŋkaŋ káhepíya waŋ el táku waŋ h́páya ča el áya ča miš éya el blá. Yuŋkaŋ máka kiŋ atáya taŋniš ǵiyéla iyáya na táku waŋ h́páya. Oyáya kiŋ wičaša waŋ el glíča na čagle iyúta. Yuŋkaŋ čaglépi áke záptaŋ. Na ṕa kiŋ šuŋkáwakaŋ ṕa kiŋ iyéčeča h́ča tka nákpa kiŋ ée tókeča, túki h́a kiŋ iyéčeča s’eléčeča. Na ṕa kiŋ wiyóh́peyátakiya etóŋwaŋ h́páya. Na taŋčaŋ kiŋ atáya yuglákšiŋkšaŋ gúyapi; na líla šičamna ča šuŋkáwakaŋ k’oŋ kokípápi. Na wičaša k’oŋ he ake léya: Le uŋkčegila ča ktepelo. Na kútepi načeča kaŋgítame oh́ah́a; na líla púte kiŋ pestóla. Na násula kiŋ líla čiḱala na iwaštela hiŋ śma. Na ísto alíliya yuglákšiŋkšaŋkšaŋ s’a. na sí kiŋ kimáka oh́a. Na tačaŋ kiŋ šuŋkáwakan tačaŋ iŋskokeča. Hó le ozúye kiŋ atáya waŋ’uŋyáŋkapi ča naháh́či óta níuŋpi. Hó le wičoh́aŋ núm obláke kiŋ le uŋma wičaša waŋ táku ečuŋkoŋpi kte k’oŋ héna itókab slólya na owéwákaŋ šni. Tókel éye k’oŋ oyásiŋ ečetu. Čaŋke líla wákaŋlapi. Na h́uŋh́ waŋ’uŋyaŋpi k’upi na oh́olapi. Na nákuŋ uŋkčeǵila kiŋ le toŋwe túweni slólwiaye šni. Léna táku kiŋ Wákiŋyaŋ ób kičizapi keyápi. Hó léna lečel sólowáya. Na líla wákaŋyaŋ ečoŋ wála na héoŋ obláka. Ituŋkásaŋ Wašte. Good Weasel The Mastodon - - - He goes to war There was a camp in the mountain foothills. It was possibly Crazy Horse, along with Griper, who came and when they waited for me to go to the warpath. Good Weasel: Very well! And I had a long with me provisions and a pair of moccasins. And off we went. We were forty-two (42) men that went and took shelter in a creek bottom. One of the men said: Man One: When two of us go off to bed, then I will sing a song. The two went off to bed. And in the evening, then, the man who would sing, performed in front of those having a meeting. He sang, played a flute, and: Oh! - - - too bad! one of you did not come back, four of you were wounded, you took six enemy scalps and brought back their horses as well. Well, they went on and reached the Shoshone quarters. And they robbed them of half of their things. And at daybreak they came then for an attack and did so together. And one was killed in the battle. Four were wounded. And six enemy were killed and their scalps taken. And they came and withdrew and started back. And so, they were on their way home; we were on our way there along the edge of the Big Horn Mountains, came upon mountain sheep in the mountains, went in to them; here on top of a hill were fifteen men lay down for the night; the others camped at the foot. And thunderbirds were really coming our way, here it really seemed as though from the east there were some heavy downward flashings, and we also did much hunting with not much luck also along the way. And we hunted not taking any sleep. And when morning came, they then went on home. But one of the men announced that they should be on their way, saying: Man Two: They say here something that has been flashing you should search for it. Now, they came along scattering to look for it. And they there made noises, and when they went galloping, I followed. There was also something lying on the wayside, to which when they went there, I too went. And the entire ground had already gone brownish, and I went over to what was lying there. The thing, a blue hide, and its short tail lay there. The legs were like human hands but awfully big. And a man came up to it and paced it off. I was fifteen steps long. And the head was indeed like a horsehead, but the ears were different, he seemed to wonder about the likes of the hide. The head lay looking westward. And the whole carcass was burnt in a zig-zag pattern; and they feared the horse since it had a very bad odor. And the man again said: It was here that the mastodon was killed. I suppose they shot it, stuck tight in black shale, and its snout was very pointed. The forehead was very small and the fur was an average thickness. The arms were always crooked in the manner of climbing. The feet stuck decomposing. And the carcass was the size of a horse carcass. Well, when we observed this whole war party, yet many were alive. Well, when I told of these two customs, one other of our men who was going to do something had known of it beforehand, and was not lying. All was just as he said. So, they figured he was very special. They contributed to him some offerings and honored him. Also, he knew of no one to see this mastodon. They say what these were had a quarrel with thunderbirds. Well, this is the way I know of these things. And I thought of doing it in a very respectful way, and for this reason I have spoken - - - - Pretty Weasel.
Strengthening the Circle :