
We, the students of Sinte Gleska University, herein seek to form an organization designed to serve the needs and concerns and to promote the interests of post-secondary students on the Rosebud Reservation in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of Sinte Gleska University and the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. This organization is further intended to encourage students to become involved, either individually or via groups, in both academic and non-academic efforts and activities including athletic, social, educational, cultural and governmental program areas and to provide an opportunity and forum for student input in respect to various institutional policies, procedures and plans, plus to help determine the overall direction and mission of Sinte Gleska University.
The name of this organization shall be THE SINTE GLESKA UNIVERSITY STUDENT ASSOCIATION.
SECTION II: Membership
Membership is open to any student who is officially registered for post-secondary courses at Sinte Gleska University.
The Sinte Gleska University Student Association is responsible for sanctioning Association events/activities, establishing the overall parameters of Association events/activities and regulating the operations of duly recognized Association groups, clubs or committees. The Sinte Gleska University Student Association may also choose to recognize and empower additional Association entities or sub-entities based upon geographical or other considerations.
SECTION IV: Officers
The Sinte Gleska University Student association shall be governed by and executive council consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer; all elected positions. The position of Sergeant-at-Arms is appointed by executive council. (Any student who is employed at Sinte Gleska University is not eligible to seek an officer position within the Student Association.) Amended November, 1990
The officers in conjunction with the general membership of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association are responsible for the programmatic and financial administration of the Association.
SECTION V: Nomination of Officers
Nominations shall be initiated per individual candidate petition, as follows: petitions for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must be signed by at least 15 current full-time or part-time students. Candidate eligibility is based upon student registration status. Each candidate must be in academic good standing. Candidates for the positions of President and Vice President must be registered as full-time students and candidates for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be registered as a full-time or part-time student. Candidate eligibility and verification of petition signatures shall be certified by the Sinte Gleska University Student Services Department.
Petitions received after the closing date will be deemed invalid by the Sinte Gleska University Student Services Department and the prospective candidate(s) shall be declared ineligible to seek the position(s) on the executive council.
SECTION VI: Elections
Elections shall be scheduled during each successive Fall Semester, concurrent with the annual election for Student Representative to the Sinte Gleska University Board of Regents. Election results shall be tabulated and announced by the Sinte Gleska University Student Services Department and two students appointed by the Student Association. Election results shall be certified by the general membership of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association. In the event of a tie, a run-off election shall be scheduled at the earliest possible date.
Any student wishing to initiate a grievance action contesting either the election procedures or the election results must file a written complaint to the Student Services Director within three (3) working days following the annual election. Such a grievance shall be decided upon by a Student Election Grievance Committee, composed of the Student Services Director and three (3) students as appointed by the executive council of the Student Association.
Complaints citing irregular election procedures will be reviewed and the Student Election Grievance Committee will recommend the necessary changes to be incorporated into future student elections.
Complaints citing election result discrepancies will be reviewed to determine whether or not the alleged discrepancies exist and whether or not the magnitude3 to the alleged discrepancies warrant a new election.
Upon conclusion of this review, the election results may be forwarded to the Sinte Gleska University Student Association for certification or the Student Election Grievance Committee may recommend a new election.
Final authority on those recommendations and decisions of the Student Election Grievance Committee rests with the Sinte Gleska University Student Association.
Voting shall be conducted through centralized sites as located in the Sinte Gleska University Science Center in Mission and the East Reservation Branch in Winner. Students who are registered in accordance with the membership requirements of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association (Section II- Membership) are entitled to vote. Voting sites shall be open Monday-Thursday between the hours of 9:00am to 9:00pm with actual voting locations to be announced prior to each annual or special election.
SECTION VIII: Terms of Office
All Sinte Gleska University Student Association executive council officers are elected for one year terms to begin following the annual certification of election results and to end upon certification of the next year’s election results. No elected officer will be eligible to hold office for more than four years.
SECTION IX: Resignation/Disqualification of Officer
Officers wishing to resign from their elected positions must submit a formal letter of resignation to the President of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association (to the Vice President in case of resignation of the President) at least two weeks in advance of such resignation. Officers who are no longer officially registered as students at Sinte Gleska University shall be automatically disqualified from completing their elected terms of office. Positions vacated due to officer resignation or officer disqualification may be filled through executive council appointment or special election.
SECTION X: Suspension of Officers
Officers may be subject to suspension upon request of fellow Sinte Gleska University Student Association officers or upon request of the general membership of the Association. Officers may be subject to suspension for failure to perform executive council duties or other conduct violations pursuant to the Sinte Gleska University Student Code. All requests for suspension of officers must be submitted in writing to the President of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association (to the Vice President in case of suspension of the President) and shall be ratified only upon a majority vote by the general membership of the Association. All officers subject to possible suspension are entitled to a hearing, if he/she so chooses, before an Election Grievance Committee as appointed by the Sinte Gleska University Student Association prior to any final decision regarding suspension of officers.
SECTION XI: Groups, Clubs or Committees
The Sinte Gleska University Student Association may sanction certain groups, clubs or committees, or additional Association entities or sub-entities (see Section III- Scope) which are deemed to representative and in the best interests of all students at Sinte Gleska University. All groups, clubs or committees or additional Association entities or sub-entities must seek and obtain formal recognition from the Sinte Gleska University Student Association and must renew their status on an annual basis. All groups, clubs or committees or additional Association entities or sub-entities shall be required, upon request by the Sinte Gleska University Student Association to furnish periodic program and financial activity reports. Failure to furnish requested information or other conduct violations may constitute cause for suspension or dissolution of said groups, clubs or committees or additional Association entities or sub-entities by the Sinte Gleska University Student Association.
SECTION XII: Amendment
The Constitutions and By-laws of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association may be amended upon a majority vote by the general membership of the Association.
AMENDMENT 1: Business Operations
The Sinte Gleska University Student Association can sanction student resources for fundraising or revenue generation to utilized for student activities, clubs, and other projects of student interest (as in Section XI) in the best interest of the students. Business operations such as Bingo, Coffee House, or other future business ventures directed by the Student Association must abide by all Student Association By-laws and constitutional sections. Each business operation should follow the directives of an established Advisory Committee which will be made up of at least: Student Association Officer; SGU Staff member; SGU Faculty member; and one SGU student directly responsible to the Director of Student Services. The business operator or manager will be accountable to the specific advisory committee. All excessive revenue generated by the business operation will be allocated to the student Association budget for the best interest of the students. The business operation will also abide by all Sinte Gleska University policies and procedures as well as Rosebud Sioux Tribe ordinances and laws as they apply to the specific business operation.
AMENDMENT 2: Bingo Operations
The Bingo Operations will follow all Sinte Gleska University Student Association policies and procedures along with Rosebud Sioux Tribal Gaming ordinances, regulations and laws. The Bingo Operations will follow the supervision of the Bingo Advisory Committee made-up of: Student Association President; Bookstore Manager; and Business Faculty Advisor. The Bingo Advisory Committee will be directly accountable to the Director of Student Services. The Bingo Operator or Manager position will be administered by the Bingo Advisory Committee. All excessive revenue will be utilized by the Student Association for the best interest of the students.
AMENDED: November, 1990
We, the students of Sinte Gleska University, herein seek to form an organization designed to serve the needs and concerns and to promote the interests of post-secondary students on the Rosebud Reservation in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of Sinte Gleska University and the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. This organization is further intended to encourage students to become involved, either individually or via groups, in both academic and non-academic efforts and activities including athletic, social, educational, cultural and governmental program areas and to provide an opportunity and forum for student input in respect to various institutional policies, procedures and plans, plus to help determine the overall direction and mission of Sinte Gleska University.
The name of this organization shall be THE SINTE GLESKA UNIVERSITY STUDENT ASSOCIATION.
SECTION II: Membership
Membership is open to any student who is officially registered for post-secondary courses at Sinte Gleska University.
The Sinte Gleska University Student Association is responsible for sanctioning Association events/activities, establishing the overall parameters of Association events/activities and regulating the operations of duly recognized Association groups, clubs or committees. The Sinte Gleska University Student Association may also choose to recognize and empower additional Association entities or sub-entities based upon geographical or other considerations.
SECTION IV: Officers
The Sinte Gleska University Student association shall be governed by and executive council consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer; all elected positions. The position of Sergeant-at-Arms is appointed by executive council. (Any student who is employed at Sinte Gleska University is not eligible to seek an officer position within the Student Association.) Amended November, 1990
The officers in conjunction with the general membership of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association are responsible for the programmatic and financial administration of the Association.
SECTION V: Nomination of Officers
Nominations shall be initiated per individual candidate petition, as follows: petitions for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must be signed by at least 15 current full-time or part-time students. Candidate eligibility is based upon student registration status. Each candidate must be in academic good standing. Candidates for the positions of President and Vice President must be registered as full-time students and candidates for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be registered as a full-time or part-time student. Candidate eligibility and verification of petition signatures shall be certified by the Sinte Gleska University Student Services Department.
Petitions received after the closing date will be deemed invalid by the Sinte Gleska University Student Services Department and the prospective candidate(s) shall be declared ineligible to seek the position(s) on the executive council.
SECTION VI: Elections
Elections shall be scheduled during each successive Fall Semester, concurrent with the annual election for Student Representative to the Sinte Gleska University Board of Regents. Election results shall be tabulated and announced by the Sinte Gleska University Student Services Department and two students appointed by the Student Association. Election results shall be certified by the general membership of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association. In the event of a tie, a run-off election shall be scheduled at the earliest possible date.
Any student wishing to initiate a grievance action contesting either the election procedures or the election results must file a written complaint to the Student Services Director within three (3) working days following the annual election. Such a grievance shall be decided upon by a Student Election Grievance Committee, composed of the Student Services Director and three (3) students as appointed by the executive council of the Student Association.
Complaints citing irregular election procedures will be reviewed and the Student Election Grievance Committee will recommend the necessary changes to be incorporated into future student elections.
Complaints citing election result discrepancies will be reviewed to determine whether or not the alleged discrepancies exist and whether or not the magnitude3 to the alleged discrepancies warrant a new election.
Upon conclusion of this review, the election results may be forwarded to the Sinte Gleska University Student Association for certification or the Student Election Grievance Committee may recommend a new election.
Final authority on those recommendations and decisions of the Student Election Grievance Committee rests with the Sinte Gleska University Student Association.
Voting shall be conducted through centralized sites as located in the Sinte Gleska University Science Center in Mission and the East Reservation Branch in Winner. Students who are registered in accordance with the membership requirements of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association (Section II- Membership) are entitled to vote. Voting sites shall be open Monday-Thursday between the hours of 9:00am to 9:00pm with actual voting locations to be announced prior to each annual or special election.
SECTION VIII: Terms of Office
All Sinte Gleska University Student Association executive council officers are elected for one year terms to begin following the annual certification of election results and to end upon certification of the next year’s election results. No elected officer will be eligible to hold office for more than four years.
SECTION IX: Resignation/Disqualification of Officer
Officers wishing to resign from their elected positions must submit a formal letter of resignation to the President of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association (to the Vice President in case of resignation of the President) at least two weeks in advance of such resignation. Officers who are no longer officially registered as students at Sinte Gleska University shall be automatically disqualified from completing their elected terms of office. Positions vacated due to officer resignation or officer disqualification may be filled through executive council appointment or special election.
SECTION X: Suspension of Officers
Officers may be subject to suspension upon request of fellow Sinte Gleska University Student Association officers or upon request of the general membership of the Association. Officers may be subject to suspension for failure to perform executive council duties or other conduct violations pursuant to the Sinte Gleska University Student Code. All requests for suspension of officers must be submitted in writing to the President of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association (to the Vice President in case of suspension of the President) and shall be ratified only upon a majority vote by the general membership of the Association. All officers subject to possible suspension are entitled to a hearing, if he/she so chooses, before an Election Grievance Committee as appointed by the Sinte Gleska University Student Association prior to any final decision regarding suspension of officers.
SECTION XI: Groups, Clubs or Committees
The Sinte Gleska University Student Association may sanction certain groups, clubs or committees, or additional Association entities or sub-entities (see Section III- Scope) which are deemed to representative and in the best interests of all students at Sinte Gleska University. All groups, clubs or committees or additional Association entities or sub-entities must seek and obtain formal recognition from the Sinte Gleska University Student Association and must renew their status on an annual basis. All groups, clubs or committees or additional Association entities or sub-entities shall be required, upon request by the Sinte Gleska University Student Association to furnish periodic program and financial activity reports. Failure to furnish requested information or other conduct violations may constitute cause for suspension or dissolution of said groups, clubs or committees or additional Association entities or sub-entities by the Sinte Gleska University Student Association.
SECTION XII: Amendment
The Constitutions and By-laws of the Sinte Gleska University Student Association may be amended upon a majority vote by the general membership of the Association.
AMENDMENT 1: Business Operations
The Sinte Gleska University Student Association can sanction student resources for fundraising or revenue generation to utilized for student activities, clubs, and other projects of student interest (as in Section XI) in the best interest of the students. Business operations such as Bingo, Coffee House, or other future business ventures directed by the Student Association must abide by all Student Association By-laws and constitutional sections. Each business operation should follow the directives of an established Advisory Committee which will be made up of at least: Student Association Officer; SGU Staff member; SGU Faculty member; and one SGU student directly responsible to the Director of Student Services. The business operator or manager will be accountable to the specific advisory committee. All excessive revenue generated by the business operation will be allocated to the student Association budget for the best interest of the students. The business operation will also abide by all Sinte Gleska University policies and procedures as well as Rosebud Sioux Tribe ordinances and laws as they apply to the specific business operation.
AMENDMENT 2: Bingo Operations
The Bingo Operations will follow all Sinte Gleska University Student Association policies and procedures along with Rosebud Sioux Tribal Gaming ordinances, regulations and laws. The Bingo Operations will follow the supervision of the Bingo Advisory Committee made-up of: Student Association President; Bookstore Manager; and Business Faculty Advisor. The Bingo Advisory Committee will be directly accountable to the Director of Student Services. The Bingo Operator or Manager position will be administered by the Bingo Advisory Committee. All excessive revenue will be utilized by the Student Association for the best interest of the students.
AMENDED: November, 1990